
Here Are 10 Wooden Staircase Designs You Would Love

Remodel your spaces like never before!

As the world is progressing, we are witnessing innovations day in and day out. Let that be any field, we have definitely gone very far from where we started. 

When it comes to architecture and interior design, the architects and designers have been very successful in amazing us with their creativity and art. In this blog, we’ll be particularly speaking about the wooden staircase designs that you can get made at your home to give it a modern and artistic touch. 

As a matter of fact, there may be a lot of replacements for many things at your place but there are certain things that remain there. Though you can choose to change the design and style of it, you can’t replace it. 

Here are some wooden staircase design ideas for you that may help you change the look of your place while keeping everything intact. 

1. The Double Side Staircase

This double-side staircase might seem like the ones you saw in old movies, but what is different here is the colour combination. Color combination plays an important role when it comes to interior design. Matching the staircase gives it a different look altogether. 

double sided staircase white


2. Round Designs


wooden rounded staircase


If you are an abstract lover, give this design a look. This seems like an ordinary round staircase but the wave design along the edges gives it a different look altogether. Also going for a contrast railing adds to its aura.


3. Classy & Minimal Designs


staircase with glasses


A classy staircase is made in a way that the space is utilized very intelligently. Apart from giving your space a cool and artistic touch, this staircase saves a lot of space that you can use a little like a library or anything else that matches your taste. 


4. Wooden Designs With Great Carpentry Work


wooden double sided staircase

This one may look simple but the furnishing it has over it makes it a different thing with a different feel altogether. This design will also take you back to your childhood when you used to get amazed by the huge houses in the movies. 


5. Structured Designs


staircase with cupboard storage


What else can one ask for if a staircase is extremely good looking and can store a lot of stuff at the same time? Yes, this type of staircase will actually make your lobby beautiful while taking care of the extra stuff at your home by storing it inside. 


6. Simple and Classic


suspended staircase wooden


If you are someone who is very concerned about the interiors of his/her home, try considering this design for it is simple looking but adds to the charm of your space. Also, you can utilize the space beneath for a number of different things. 


7. Design With Plants


staircase with plants around


Love plantations and flowers? Here is an idea for you to build a staircase that’ll make you live your hobby every time you take the stairs. Make sure that you go for this design at a place where there is enough sunlight falling for ample hours during the day.


8. Thin Rail Designs


staircase with thin rail 

A straight staircase with a thin railing is all you need to make the corner of your lobby the most classy part. Be very choosy when it comes to selecting the design of the railing as it comes in many designs and colours. 


9. Suspended Designs


wooden suspended staircase 

This staircase with the most artistic feel is all you need to transform the floor of your house or commercial unit. This looks like it is suspended in the air. Also, the glass on the outer side helps in adding to its aura especially when the lights are installed. 


10. Cupboard Designs


staircase with cupboard


This cupboard type staircase is one of the oldest types of staircases with a lot of scope for bestowing your creativity. You can use multiple colour schemes and other interior decor accessories to make it look even more beautiful and artistic.

These were some of the wooden staircase ideas that may help you visualize your space prior to the renovation that’s on cards. When it comes to renovation and interior decor, you can be as creative and innovative as you want. Play with colours and designs the way you want. For any kind of support, remember that Task Masters is here. For any carpentry services, contact us now.

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